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It is not something extra we do on top of our work, it is how we do work.

A major part of our business is working inside substation around live electricity where highest standard of safety is non-negotiable. Our safety management plan has been developed in accordance to Australian standards requirements. We prepare a specific safe work method statement for each project in consultation with all personnel that are involved in undertaking the works. The safe work method statement gets reviewed and revised regularly throughout the duration of the project to ensure any new hazards have been identified, assessed and controls are in place. Site supervisor completes hazard assessment checklist at the beginning of each day in consultation with all personnel and subcontractors involved in the project discussing communication from the previous day, activities for the day, daily hazards and controls. Correct and complete personal protective equipment are minimum requirement for any work to be completed. All electrical tools are tested and tagged monthly to ensure electrical hazards being identified and mitigated. Safety data sheets (SDS) for all material being used on site are updated regularly and available for the crew on site. Chemicals are being stored in a bunded area as a minimum requirement on site. Workplace safety inspections are completed weekly by the project engineer/manager. COVID 19 protocols are being followed at all times on site with 1.5m social distancing being maintained. The crew on site complete emergency drills regularly with the presence of the project manager to be prepared for any site incident or emergency situation. Feedback and lessons learned from the drill are discussed in a toolbox talk and reflected in our safety documentation.


Sustainability is the key for better future

SUBS Construction believes in the importance of protecting our environment and using sustainable approaches for our work activities. Our environmental management plan has been developed in accordance to Australian standards guidelines. We plan our waste during the preparation process for any project. We ensure that waste is segregated into recyclable and non-recyclable material. We try to utilise the stripped formwork and excess concrete in other site activities to minimise waste. Spill kits are available on-site at all times to control any spillage. Sediment control activities are usually the prim activities on-site while setting up. We strive to minimize our carbon footprint by minimising the number of deliveries and efficiently plan our projects. Sustainability is the key for better future, We endeavour to do our part in developing sustainable approaches and having sustainability as part of our culture. Get in touch now to learn more about our environmental initiatives.


Our attention to details is second to none

SUBS Construction has an extensive experience in delivering civil works which have allowed the team to have quality system in place to ensure every job is completed to the highest standard. Our quality management plan has been developed in accordance to Australian standards requirements. Team’s attention to detail is second to none which ensures all activities are being completed according to the standards and construction drawings. SC develops a detailed inspection test Plan and checklist for every activity planned for the project including hold and witness points, acceptance criteria, photographic evidence for the work being completed and who to inspect and sign. The detailed inspection test plan allow the crew on site to navigate easily through the process. SC complete a detailed as built plans where required by the client at the end of the project highlighting all works being completed.


Problem-solving is our fuel for each day. Thinking outside the box and finding not only the solution but the most efficient and practical solution is what makes us unique and preferred by our clients. We find the solutions that have minimal disruption on the project’s progress and budget. Our problem solving skill distinguish SUBS Construction from any other service provider.

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